Guess what! there are 9 ways we sabotage ourselves and our thinking. Thanks to this assessment by positive intelligence, you will be able to identify your top saboteurs. This will raise your awarness and understanding the reason for the negative feelings that easily hijacks you.
Mental Fitness (PQ) helps you achieve peace of mind on your personal & professional life
· PQ (your Positive Intelligence Quotient) is the measure of your Mental Fitness. It's the best predictor of how happy you are and how well you perform relative to your potential.
· Mental fitness makes you learn how to deal with life challenges with a positive approach rather than negative feeling. Making you accept and learn that any negative circumstances can be turned into a gift and opportunity
-Peak Performance
- Peace of Mind/ Wellness
- Better Relationships
Free Saboteur assessment
# send me a message right now on if you want to be the best you in life or work. We will get you started on the path to living a life that you aspire for. Together, we can work out a plan to get you on your way!
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