As a thinking partner: I love coaching women to dig inside and retrieve their strength and Move forward, Making things happen while Managing actions & change. My clients , my thinking partners, always inspire me with their inner strength and power. I am always looking for those women who have energy⚡️, passion and potential, but are hijacked by their inner saboteur who make them stuck in negative thoughts that stops 🛑 them from moving forward. I love to partner with them find their passion and sense of purpose so they lead the life they deserve.
Act now! Make a difference to yourself! You deserve it!
As a professionally Certified trained and experienced coach, I have the tools and understanding to help you to create the personal or professional life you imagine and get a renewed sense of self.
"MMM Coaching" is simply the abbreviation to my name and my philosophy.
MMM Coaching
Mahitab -------Making things happen
Mohamed ----Moving forward
Marzouk ------Managing change & actions
I will help you realize your goals and you will be able to write your own roadmap to not only reach them but accomplish much more.
IDC is an accredited school by ICF& EMCC
IDC is an accredited school by ICF
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